Plan of Organization


We the members of the Rockingham County Republican Party, conscious of our civic responsibilities and rights and firm in our determination to preserve the integrity of the American Republic and the sovereignty of the State of North Carolina, and to protect the rights of the free citizen as they were constructed and defined in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States of America and of the State of North Carolina and in the Bill of Rights, do herewith establish this instrument, The Plan of Organization of the Rockingham County Republican Party.



All citizens of Rockingham County who are registered Republicans are members of the Rockingham County Republican Party and shall have the right to participate in the official affairs of the Republican Party in accordance with this Plan of Organization.  All reference herein to Delegates, Alternates, officers and members shall, in all cases, mean persons identified and registered with the Republican Party in the precinct of their residence in Rockingham County.



  2. A. 1. Call for Meeting

The County Chairman shall call Precinct Meetings every year during the month of February or March, after giving notice published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County and/or in other media as approved by the State GOP, which shall include either a paid advertisement or a news item provided it includes the time, date, location and purpose of the Meeting. Such notices shall appear in the newspaper and/or in other media as approved by the State GOP at least ten (10) days prior to the Meeting.  Failure of the County Chairman to act in compliance with the provision above shall be cause for any Member of the County Executive Committee to call said Precinct Meetings by notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the County in the same manner as required above.  All Republicans registered prior to January 31 preceding the Meeting shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote, at the Precinct Meeting for the precinct of their primary residence and voter registration.

Residents who have moved into a Rockingham County Precinct within 30 days of the Precinct Meeting prior to the Precinct Meeting and after January 31 shall be entitled to the same rights as existing residents provided they were registered as Republicans prior to January 31 and their voter registration has been updated to reflect their current residency.

  1. A. 2. Election of Precinct Officers

At odd year Precinct Meetings, at which a quorum is one person, members shall elect a Precinct Committee consisting of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and as many Members-at-Large as deemed necessary to conduct the business of the Precinct. Members of the Precinct Committee shall hold their offices for two (2) years or until their successors are chosen. There shall be no proxy voting.

  1. A. 3. Election of Delegates

The annual Precinct Meetings shall elect 1 Delegate and 1 Alternate to the County Convention. In addition, they may also elect 1 additional Delegate and Alternate for each 100 registered Republican voters, or major fraction thereof, in the precinct as of January 31 of that year.

  1. A. 3. a. Absentee Registration
  • If a Precinct Delegate or Alternate cannot attend the County Convention, the Delegate or Alternate will request an Absentee Delegate/Alternate Form (RCGOP Form 1) from the County Chairman, the Credentials Committee Chairman or download it from the County Website.  This form must be submitted to the Credentials Committee, in person, by proxy or by mail prior to the close of registration to the County Convention.

II A. 4. Duties of Officers

The Chairman and Secretary of each Precinct shall certify the election of Officers, Committee Members, and Delegates and Alternates to the County Convention, on forms stipulated by the State Central Committee and furnished by the County Chairman. Complete credentials shall be in the hands of the County Secretary by the deadline set by the County Chairman, which shall be at least 2 days prior to the Credentials Committee Meeting, provided however, that when the Precinct Meetings and the County Convention are held on the same day, the complete credentials shall be in the hands of the County Secretary at the time set by the County Chairman on that day. No Delegate or Alternate shall be added to the Credentials List following the adjournment of the Precinct Meeting. This delegate list shall be made immediately available to any Republican candidate, at that candidate's reasonable expense, along with a confidentiality and use agreement that said list will be used only for Republican activities related to the candidate's run for office.

  1. A. 5. Other Precinct Meetings
  2. A. 5. a. Other Meetings of the Precinct General Membership may be held at such time as shall be designated by the Chairman of the Precinct Committee after giving five (5) day notice of such Meeting in a newspaper of general circulation within the County, or by such other method of notification as may be specified in the County Plan of Organization; or upon similar call of one-third (1/3) of the Members of the Precinct Committee, or ten (10) Members of the general Precinct Membership. There shall be no proxy voting.
  2. B. 1. Duties of Committee

The Precinct Committee shall cooperate with the County Executive Committee in all elections and Party activities, provide the County Chairman with a list of Party Members within the Precinct suitable for appointment as Election Officials, and promote the objectives of the Party within the Precinct.

  1. B. 2. Duties of Precinct Officers
  2. B. 2. a. Chairman of the Precinct Committee, with the advice and consent of the Precinct Committee, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Party within the Precinct, shall preside at all Meetings of the Precinct, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Precinct Committee or the County Executive Committee.
  3. B. 2. b. Vice-Chairman shall function as Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.
  4. B. 2. c. Secretary shall keep all minutes and records and shall maintain a list of registered Republican voters and workers within the Precinct, unless otherwise provided by the Precinct Committee or the County Executive Committee. 
  5. B. 3. Vacancies and Removals
  6. B. 3. a. Vacancy due to death, resignation, discontinuance of residency within the Precinct, removal of any Officer, or Member of the Precinct Committee, or for any other reason, shall be filled by the remaining Members of the Precinct Committee, or as provided in the County Plan of Organization.
  7. B. 3. b. Any member of the Precinct Committee may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Precinct Committee after being furnished with notice of the charges against him.
  8. B. 3. b1. The cause for removal shall be confined to gross inefficiency, Party disloyalty or failure to comply with the County or State Plans of Organization.
  9. B. 3. b2. The notice must be signed by not less than one-third (1/3) of the Members of the Precinct Committee.
  10. B. 3. b3. It must allow him twenty (20) days to appear and defend himself.
  11. B. 3. b4. Such removal may be appealed to the County Executive Committee within twenty (20) days, and their decision shall be final.
  12. B.3.c In the event a Precinct fails to properly organize or the Precinct Chairman fails to act, the County Chairman shall appoint a Temporary Precinct Chairman who shall serve until a general Membership Meeting can be called and a new Chairman elected by the County Executive Committee.




III. A. 1.   Call of Convention

A County Convention shall be called every year by the Chairman of the County Executive Committee, at a suitable location within the county, within the month of March, at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled District Convention.

Notice of Conventions

  1. Notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the County and/or in other media as approved by the State GOP in the form of either a paid advertisement or a news item and posted to the official Rockingham County Republican Party Website.
  1. Notice must include the time, date, location and purpose of the Meeting.
  2. Notice must appear in the newspaper at least ten (10) days prior to the Convention.
  3. At or about the time of the call of the Convention, the County Chairman, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a Credentials Committee consisting of no less than 3 people, who will meet and issue its report on Delegates and Alternates certified to that Convention.
  • If Precinct Meetings are held prior to the County Convention, the Credentials Committee shall issue its report on Delegates and Alternates certified to the County Convention at least 3 days in advance of the convening of the County Convention. When Precinct Meetings are held prior to the date of the County Convention, all Delegates and Alternates challenged in the report of the Credentials Committee shall be notified prior to the day of the Convention and allowed to present their case to the Credentials Committee prior to the convening of the Convention. 
  • If Precinct Meetings and the County Convention are held concurrently on the same day, the Credentials Committee shall issue its report on Delegates and Alternates certified to the County Convention prior to the transaction of any business at the County Convention. When Precinct Meetings are held concurrently on the same day with the County Convention, all Delegates and Alternates challenged in the report of the Credentials Committee shall be notified on that day and allowed to present their case to the Credentials Committee.
  1. If the County Chairman fails, refuses or neglects to call a County Convention as required by this Article, it shall become the duty of the Vice-Chairman to act in this capacity. The Vice-Chairman shall give a 5 days’ notice thereof to all Precinct Chairmen and County Executive Committee Members and shall follow procedures given in Article III A1.  If the County Chairman or Vice-Chairman does not call such a Meeting, it shall be cause for any Member of the County Executive Committee, with the approval of the Congressional District Chairman, or the State Chairmen, to call such County Convention.

III. A. 2.   Convention Action

  1. The County Convention shall be called to order by the County Chairman, or in the absence of the Chairman, by the Vice-Chairman or Secretary, in order stated, who shall have the power to appoint the necessary Convention Committees and temporary officers at or before, the convening of the Convention.
  2. Each year the County Convention shall reaffirm or amend a written County Plan of Organization, not inconsistent with the State Plan of Organization, a current copy of which shall be on file at County Headquarters and at State Headquarters. If the County Convention fails to reaffirm a written County Plan of Organization, the previously adopted County Plan of Organization shall remain in effect, to the extent not inconsistent with the current State Plan of Organization.

  3. In every odd-numbered year, the County Convention shall elect a Chairman and Vice- Chairman.; also Secretary, Treasurer and such other Officers as may be deemed necessary, who shall serve for a term of 2 years or until their successors are elected.
  4. The County Convention shall elect 1 Delegate and 1 Alternate to Congressional District and State Conventions, plus 1 additional Delegate and Alternate for every 250 Republicans, or major fraction thereof, registered in that county, as of January 31 of that year. Each County shall further elect 1 Delegate and Alternate for each Republican elected to the state legislature and to public office on the state or national level from said County in the last election held for that office. With respect to the District Convention, the additional 1 delegate and 1 alternate shall only be elected to the District Convention being held in the District in which said Republican elected to the state legislature and to public office on the state or national level actually lives.

iii. If a County has been divided between 2 or more Congressional Districts, it shall prorate its Delegate vote among these Congressional Districts in accordance with the Republican registration as of January 31 of that year in the political subdivisions within the County which have been divided among the different Congressional Districts.  Delegates elected to a Congressional District Convention, in addition to the other qualifications which they must meet, must reside in the Congressional District to whose Convention they are elected.  The Delegates to the County Convention from the political subdivisions in different Congressional Districts shall elect the Delegates to their own Congressional District Convention.

III. A. 3.   Credentials

The Chairman and Secretary of the County Executive Committee shall certify the election of Officers, Committee Members, Delegates, Alternates and Precinct Chairs to the District and State Conventions, on forms furnished by the State Central Committee and in conformance with the State Plan of Organization.  Completed Credentials shall be in the hands of the Congressional District Secretary and the State Headquarters by the deadline set by the State Chairman.  All County Credentials for the State Convention should be mailed to State Headquarters no later than 10 days following the date of the County Convention or the deadline set by the State Chairman, whichever date comes first.  The postmark date will be used to determine compliance for mailed credentials. No Delegates or Alternates shall be added to the Credentials list following the adjournment of the County Convention.  Copies of all newspaper notices, in addition to a list of county and precinct officers, shall be submitted to the NC Republican Party and all applicable Congressional District Committees along with County Credentials.

No member of a credentials committee created by this Plan shall be eligible to be elected to an officer or executive committee position at the convention for which the credentials committee serves, nor shall a credentials committee member publicly support anyone for an office to be elected by said convention.  Except when voting in convention, members of credentials committees shall strive to maintain the integrity of the convention and the committee by conducting the business of the committee with impartiality and strict neutrality on the business and elections of said convention.

III. A. 4.   Voting Procedure

No Delegate, Alternate or any other Member of a Convention shall cast any vote by proxy.  No precinct shall cast more votes than it has duly elected Delegates on the floor at the County Convention.  No person shall be seated as a Delegate at the County, District or State Convention unless such person shall have been duly elected a Delegate or Alternate by the appropriate Precinct meeting or County Convention; except, the registered Republican or Republicans, present at a County convention from an unorganized Precinct, which has not had its credentials accepted, shall have the right to vote 1 vote per precinct, prorated among those present from that Precinct.

III. A. 5.   Challenges

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Plan of Organization, challenges to Delegates and Alternates must be made in their capacity as individual Delegates.  The successful challenges to Delegates and Alternates must be made individually as to their capacity as Delegates and Alternates. The successful challenges of individuals in their capacity as Delegates and Alternates shall not affect the seating of other Delegates and Alternates in the same precinct Delegates unless it can be demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that the previous election of such successfully challenged Delegates and Alternates resulted in the election of other Delegates and Alternates within such delegation who would not otherwise have been elected, but for the votes of the unqualified Delegates or Alternates.

III. A. 6.   General Election Procedure

Notwithstanding any other Article in this Plan of Organization, (See II. A. 3. a. Absentee Registration), the allocated Delegate slots and then the allocated Alternate slots allotted under this Plan of Organization to a precinct or a county shall be filled first by the election of those duly qualified registered Republicans, eligible to vote, present at such meeting or convention and desiring to be elected fill such slots.  All duly qualified Republicans registered to vote may be elected by qualified Republicans attending the meeting to fill slots that have not been filled by Republicans attending the meeting or conventions.  No one shall be eligible for or elected as a Delegate or Alternate to any convention who is not present at the meeting or convention where such Delegates or Alternates are elected to the exclusion of a duly qualified Republican registered to vote, present at such meeting or convention and desiring to be elected first as a Delegate or then as an Alternate.

III. A. 7.   Convention Fee

For each person who is elected at a County Convention to be either a Delegate or an Alternate to the State Convention, the County shall forward to the State Party a fee (normally $2.00) set by the State Central Committee to defray the costs of mailing Convention materials to such elected Delegates and Alternates


All special conventions must comply with the same rules and guidelines as the annual convention.


III. C. 1a.   Membership (Voting, Non-Voting & Quorum)

  • C. 1. a1. All County Executive Committee Members must be registered Republicans and reside in Rockingham County.
  • C. 1. a2. County Executive Committee Members Term of Office shall be for 2 years or until their successors are elected. 
  • C. 1.b. Voting & Quorum Members
  • The Executive Committee shall consist of-
  • The Executive Board
    • Chairman, 1st Vice Chairman. 2nd Vice Chairman (3)
    • Secretary, Treasurer (2)
    • Precinct Chairs* (13)
    • Immediate Past GOP Chair (1)
  • Standing Committees* (6)
    • Finance Committee Chair* (1)
    • Review and Vetting Committee Chair* (1)
    • Documents & Correspondence Chair* (1)
    • Letter Writing Committee Chair* (1)
    • County Credentials Committee Chair* (1)
    • County Auditing Committee Chair* (1)
  • Recognized County Republican Auxiliary Groups-Chair
    • Federated Women’s Club* (1)
    • Federated Men’s Club* (1)
    • Young Republican Club* (1)

  • Special Note-Other Committees needed in order to handle the business for the party may be established by the Executive Committee. The chairs of these committees must be added to the above List Voting & Quorum Members listing.
  • *If Chairs cannot attend, their vice-chairs can be seated in their place

                                                                  Total Voting & Quorum Members ---------------        (34)

III.C.1 c. Voting but Non-Quorum

  • Elected or Appointed Republican County Officials
    • Precinct Vice-chairs (12)
    • County Commissioners, Sheriff (6)
    • Register of Deeds, District Attorney (2)
    • School Board Members (6)
    • Members at Large (3)
  • County Republicans who hold positions on

              District, State or National Executive Committees or Boards              (3)

Special Note-Other Individual Members at Large needed in order to handle the business for the party may be established by the Executive Committee. These Members at Large must be added to the above List Voting & Non-Quorum Members.

                                       Total Voting-Non Quorum Members -------------          (32)

III.C.1.d   Non-Voting & Non-Quorum

  • County Executive Committee Parliamentarian
  • Temporary Committee Chairs appointed by the Chair.

III. C.1.e   Quorum Requirements

  • The approved positions by the Executive Committee for “Voting & Quorum” shall be counted for the purpose of quorum calculation, if the position is filled. If individuals hold 2 or more voting positions on the Executive Committee, they will only be counted once for purpose of quorum.
  • One-fourth (1/4) of the above listed member positions shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All fractional amounts generated by the calculation will be rounded up to the next whole number.
  • In order for a motion to pass, it must receive 50% +1 of the voting members present to pass.

III. C. 2.   Powers and Duties

The County Executive Committee shall cooperate with the District and State Committees in all elections and Party activities; shall encourage qualified candidates for office within the County; shall adopt a budget; and shall recommend nominees to the State Chairman for appointments for County Board of Election; and shall have active management of Party affairs within the County.  It shall approve a Finance Committee and an Auditing Committee of not less than three (3) Members each, and may approve such other Committees as may be deemed necessary.  In the event that it is determined that the County Plan of Organization is not consistent with the State Party Plan of Organization, the County Executive Committee must at the next called meeting bring the County Plan of Organization into compliance with the State Party Plan of Organization.  Under any circumstances, the County Plan of Organization must be brought into compliance within 90 days.

III. C. 3.   Meetings

III. C. 3. a. Regular Meetings

The County Executive Committee shall meet on the third Thursday night of every month except July and December.  This shall serve as the ten (10) days’ notice to all Members.

III. C. 3. b. Unscheduled Meetings due to Special Circumstances

Upon the call of the Chairman or one-third (1/3) of the Members of the Committee or by one-third (1/3) of the Executive Board an emergency meeting may be called after giving a minimum of two (2) days notification by phone or in person to all Members.  This meeting must be due to a bonafide emergency as described in the announcement.

III. C. 3. c. Quorum

One-fourth (1/4) of the above listed member positions shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  All fractional amounts generated by the calculation will be rounded up to the next whole number.

It is expressly granted that all Committee and Precinct Vice Chairs shall be counted as a stand-in replacement in the absence of the elected Chairmen. 

III. C. 3. d. Voting

No Proxy Voting: No member shall be granted the authority to permit another individual the right to cast a vote on his behalf. Committee Vice Chairs expressly granted authority to be counted as a stand-in replacement in the absence of the elected Committee Chairmen shall not constitute a Proxy Vote.

III. C. 3. e. Method of Meeting

Unless otherwise specified, a meeting can be in any manner as determined by the Chairman that facilitates the two-way conversation abilities of all members present with the entirety of all members present as a whole and allows the Chairman or Secretary to identify the meeting participants.  This may include, but not be limited to, teleconferencing and video conferencing.

III. C. 4.   Duties of Officers

III. C. 4. a. The Chairman of the County Executive Committee, with the advice and consent of the County Executive Committee, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Party within the County.  The duties of the Chairman shall be to:

III. C. 4. a1. -Schedule, prepare agenda for and preside over Executive Committee Meetings;

III. C. 4. a2. -Call special meetings, as needed, of the Executive Committee;

III. C. 4. a3. -Appoint a Finance Chairman, Auditing Committee (subject to the advice and consent of the County Executive Committee);

III. C. 4. a4. -Appoint any other temporary committees the Chairman deems necessary to conduct the business of the County Executive Committee; 

III. C. 4. a5. -Make periodic reports on the status of the Party within his County to the District Chairman; 

III. C. 4. a6. -Be responsible for the creation and maintenance of a Republican organization in every Precinct within his County;

III. C. 4. a7. -Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the County, District, or State Committees; and,

III. C. 4. a8. -Be an "Ex-officio" Member of all Committees unless otherwise designated in the County Plan of Organization. (see appendix A)

III.C.4.b. The Vice-Chairman shall function as Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.  Shall also be responsible to:

III. C. 4. b1. -Maintain Precinct organization;

III. C. 4. b2. -Maintain the records of the various subcommittees;

III. C. 4. b3. -Maintain a permanent database of all registered voters in Rockingham County;

III. C.4. b4 With the importance of good, accurate communications to our Republican Party members and the proper protection of their personal identification information, the Vice-Chairman, with guidance of the Executive Committee, shall develop strict procedures and controls of our electronic communications (included, but not limited to Party website(s), Facebook pages, email address files, telephone call systems & etc.) to insure that they are used only for relevant/appropriate County Party business and the membership data are not shared or sold to others for any other purpose;

III. C. 4. b5. -Have such other duties as may be prescribed by the County Executive Committee; and,

III. C. 4. b6. -Be an "Ex-Officio" member of all committees unless otherwise designated.

III. C. 4. c. (OPTIONAL) The Second Vice-Chairman shall act as Chairman in the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.  Shall also be responsible for:

III. C. 4. c1. All events, promotions and fundraising of the Rockingham County Republican Party;

III. C. 4. c2. Shall have such other duties as may be prescribed by the County Executive Committee; and,

III. C. 4. c3. Shall not be an "Ex-Officio" member of all committees.  (see appendix A)



III. C. 4. d. The Secretary, unless elected in Convention, shall be nominated by the newly elected Chairman and approved by the Executive Committee at the first meeting after the Annual Convention on each odd year.  The Secretary shall serve for two years. The duties of Secretary shall be to:

III. C. 4. d1. Keep all minutes and records of meetings;

III. C. 4. d2. Maintain a roster of all Precinct Officers and Executive Committee Members;

III. C. 4. d3. Make such records available, including all credentials lists, upon request, to any registered Republican within Rockingham County; and,

III. C. 4. d4. Furnish to the Congressional District Chairman and the State Headquarters, up-to-date lists of all Precinct Chairmen.

III. C. 4. e. (OPTIONAL) An Assistant Secretary may be appointed by the County Chairman with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee and shall assist the Secretary in all duties, shall function as Secretary in the absence of the Secretary, and may have such other duties as assigned by the Chairman.

III. C. 4. f. The Treasurer unless elected in Convention shall be nominated by the newly elected Chairman and approved by the Executive Committee at the first meeting after the Annual Convention on each odd year.  The Treasurer shall serve for two years. The duties of Treasurer shall be to:

III. C. 4. f1. Receive and disburse all funds for Party expenditures pursuant to authority duly given by the County Executive Committee;

III. C. 4. f2. Prepare a financial report at all County Executive Committee meetings; and,

III. C. 4. f3. Fulfill all financial reports and obligations required under State and Federal Election Laws.

III. C. 4. g. (OPTIONAL) An Assistant Treasurer may be appointed by the County Chairman with the advice and consent of the County Executive Committee and shall assist the Treasurer in all duties, shall function as Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer, and may have such other duties as assigned by the Treasurer.

III.C.5.   Vacancies and Removals

III. C. 5. a. Vacancy due to death, resignation, discontinuance of residency within the County, removal of any Officer or Member of the County Executive Committee, or for any other reason, a replacement shall be selected by the County Executive Committee to complete the unexpired term of the person being replaced.

III. C. 5. b. Any officer or member of the County Executive Committee may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the respective Committee after being furnished with notice of the charges against him, signed by not less than one-third (1/3) of the members of the Committee and allowing him twenty (20) days to appear and defend himself; provided further that said cause for removal shall be confined to gross inefficiency, Party disloyalty (See Appendix A) or failure to comply with the County or State Plans of Organization.  Such removal may be appealed within twenty (20) days to the State Central Committee, and their decision shall be final.

III. C. 5. c. Any Precinct Chair or Officer who is absent from three consecutive Executive Committee meetings shall be considered as having automatically resigned from the Executive Committee, unless the individual requests an extension and the reason given for the extension is acceptable by the Executive Board.  The resulting vacancy shall be filled in accordance with Article IIIC.5.a. (Above)


It shall be the duty of the County Chairman to nominate, and the executive committee to approve, all standing committees within 60 days following the County Convention.

III. D. 1.   Finance Committee

The County Finance Committee shall be composed of the County Finance Chairman, the County Chairman, County Vice-Chairman, the County Treasurer, and not less than three (3) persons approved by the County Executive Committee.  They shall cooperate with the Congressional District and State Finance Committees and shall have active management of fund-raising efforts within Rockingham County.

III. D. 2.   Auditing Committee

The Auditing Committee members shall be nominated by the County Chairman and the names shall be presented for the advice and consent of the County Executive Committee.  No member of the Finance Committee shall serve on the Audit Committee, nor shall the County Chairman or Vice Chair serve as ex-officio members of the Auditing Committee   The Auditing Committee, once approved, shall conduct a yearly review of the financial records of the County and report such review to the County Executive Committee for approval.  The review to be conducted shall be of the type and nature which the Auditing Committee, in its discretion, deems appropriate.

III. D. 3.   Credentials Committee

The Credentials Committee- at the Executive Committee Meeting before the call of the Convention, the County Chairman, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a Credentials Committee consisting of no less than 3 people, who will meet and issue its report on Delegates and Alternates certified to that Convention. 

III. D. 4.   Candidate Review and Vetting Committee

The Chairman, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a Review and Vetting Committee to seek and encourage good Republicans to file for and run for office in County, Municipal and School Board Elections.  This Committee should meet with potential candidates to determine their positions on issues and their ability to be elected.

III. D. 5.   Documents and Correspondence Committee

The Documents and Correspondence Committee shall be appointed by the County Chairmen with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee at the first meeting after the Convention.  The Documents and Correspondence Committee will be responsible for reviewing all County Party Documents prior to any County Convention.  The Documents and Correspondence Committee will also review correspondence and make recommendations to the Executive Committee for review and presentation to the Convention.  The Documents and Correspondence Committee may on its own initiative or at the request of the County Chairmen review any documents at any time and offer recommendations.  The Documents and Correspondence Committee will continually review and draft resolutions, letters and other correspondence for presentation to the Executive Committee for review.  Its responsibilities will focus on official correspondence of the Convention and of the Rockingham County Republican Party.

III. D. 6.   Letter Writing Committee

The Chairman, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, may appoint a Letter Writing Committee to assist concerned citizens with writing letters to the editor and their elected representatives at all levels of government.   

III. E. Contested Republican Primary Races

III. E. 1.  Each Officer or Member of the County Executive Committee shall refrain from utilizing the powers and dignity of his or her office or position to influence any contested Republican Primary.  However, each member of the County Executive Committee may make contributions to, personally endorse and support the candidates of their choice, as individuals, provided they do not use the powers or resources of their office to benefit one candidate over another.

III. E. 2.  Endorsement of Candidates -The County Executive Committee may not endorse any Republican Candidate over another in a contested primary election unless Candidate Rejection procedures in III E.3 are followed.

III. E. 3.  Candidate Rejection -The County Executive Committee shall reject a candidate running for election as a Republican whose stated positions are not consistent with the County Republican Party’s Platform or if that candidate’s legal or moral standings in the community brings into question the candidate's ability to represent the County Republican Party standards.

III. E. 4.  Candidate Rejection Procedure

III. E. 4. a. Charges to reject a candidate must be presented in writing before the County Executive Committee in a regular or called meeting.

III. E. 4. b. The candidate must be notified in advance, if practicable, of the charges against him or her and the time and location of the Executive Committee meeting.

III. E. 4. c. Prior to presenting the charges, the County Executive Committee shall go into closed session, excluding all guests, ex-officio members and elected officials.

III. E. 4. d. The candidate must be afforded an opportunity to present a defense in person or in writing if the candidate requests it.  If in writing, a copy will be provided to all Executive Committee members.

III. E. 4. e. Rejection must be approved by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Executive Committee and the vote must be conducted by secret ballot.

III. E. 4. f. The candidate has the right to appeal and request another hearing before the State Executive Committee and that decision will be final and binding.



  1. A. RULES
  2. A. 1. Non-Partisan Candidates and Office Holders

The Rockingham County Party may, when not in conflict with its obligations to Republican candidates and office holders, and for the purposes of information or recruiting, offer opportunities for candidates and current office holders who are registered as “Unaffiliated” to address a Republican Party Meeting, or other function sponsored by the Rockingham County Republican Party or any of its subdivisions.  

  1. A. 2. County Executive Committee and Precincts

The Precinct and County Executive Committees and County Conventions, are authorized to promulgate such additional rules and establish such additional Party Officers or Committees for their respective organizations, not inconsistent with these rules, as shall be deemed necessary.  The County Executive Board may transact the business of the Party between County Executive Committee Meetings.   Actions taken by the Executive Board shall be reviewed for approval at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.


Minutes shall be kept by all Committees and Conventions of official actions taken, and a copy shall be filed with the Chairman of the appropriate Committee or Convention and with Republican State Headquarters.

  2. C. 1. Records

The Chairman, Treasurer, and Finance Chairman of the County shall keep faithful and accurate records of any and all monies received by them for the use of the said Committees and shall make faithful and accurate reports thereof when so requested.

  1. C. 2. Loans

No officer, staff or member of the Party shall cause the Party to undertake a loan without the prior approval of the Executive Committee.

  1. C. 3. Budgeted Expenses

No County officer or member of the Party shall exceed approved total budgeted expenditures without approval from the Executive Committee.


  1. C. 4. Leases No officer, staff or member of the Party shall cause the Party to undertake a loan without the prior approval of the Executive Committee
  2. C. 5. Contributions to Candidates

No party funds shall be dispersed to the election committee or political action committee of any candidate.

  1. C. 6. Election Expenditures

Party funds shall only be used for party operations, expenses and get out the vote efforts.  The Executive Committee may, upon two-thirds (2/3) vote, authorize expenditures that support a specific candidate but may in no way violate IV. C. 5.


It is recommended that all Rockingham County Republican Party documents and correspondence excluding letterheads should be written in Arial font size 10 or larger.




  1. A. 1. The Plan of Organization may be amended, not inconsistent with the Rules of the North Carolina State Executive Committee, by majority vote of the delegates present and voting at any County Convention provided, however, that the proposed amendment was mailed or transmitted via electronic means to the membership of the County Executive Committee, elected at the preceding County Convention, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the convening of the County Convention. 
  2. A. 2. Amendments from the Convention floor to the proposed Amendments to the Plan (an amendment to the amendment) which would materially alter the intent of the original proposed amendment must receive two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates present and voting at any County Convention. This paragraph applies only to amendments to Amendments to the Plan that were delivered to the Executive Committee as above described.
  3. A. 3. Proposed amendments to the Plan not delivered to the County Executive Committee fifteen (15) days prior to the convening of the County Convention must receive a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates present and voting at any County Convention.
  4. A. 4. The Documents and Correspondence Committee shall have authority to correct any spelling, formatting, grammatical or typographical errors in the Plan of Organization that do not change the substance of the Plan. This action can be at any time during the year and is considered an administrative action and does not require a motion, second or vote.
  5. A. 5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, in the event that there is a change in state or federal election law that renders a portion of this Plan ineffective, obsolete or inoperative, the Executive Committee may, upon a two-thirds majority vote, temporarily amend this Plan to the extent necessary to alter procedures or schedules affected by such change in state or federal election law. Any change made pursuant to this paragraph shall be effective only until the date of adjournment of the next annual County Convention.


  1. B. 1. Parliamentary Authority

Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all proceedings, except when inconsistent with the County Plan of Organization or Convention Rules properly adopted.

  1. B. 2. Gender and Number

The masculine pronoun or title herein includes the feminine, and the singular herein includes the plural, wherever appropriate.

This Plan of Organization shall become effective and repeal and supersede all other rules, except where specifically noted, immediately following adjournment of the Rockingham County Convention in Wentworth, N.C.



Advice and Consent – Approval by a simple majority, (ie: 50%+1)

Correspondence – Official Party Letters, Resolutions, Letters of Censure and other items of communication from the Party

Ex-Officio – Ex-officio members have the same voting rights as the other committee members. 

Notice – Transmission of information by mail, phone or electronic means and posted on the County Website

Party disloyalty – The supporting of a candidate of another Party or independent candidate who is running in opposition to a nominee of the Republican Party.

Quorum affecting – Those persons who will be counted when determining if significant numbers of persons are present at a meeting to conduct business.


This Plan of Organization shall become effective and repeal and supersede all other rules, except where specifically noted, immediately following adjournment of the Rockingham County Convention in Wentworth, North Carolina on March 12th, 2022.  This, however, shall not invalidate any action taken under the previous rules prior to the date above.

Approved on March 12th, 2022 at the Rockingham County Convention, Wentworth, North Carolina.

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